The Great Bothy Trip

After an excellent Meal Deal Breakfast we, Euan & John, set off for Oban. We got a nice clear run and arrived in plenty of time, just as well, as Tesco's proved a bit elusive and the fuel station entrance even more so. We had some excellent Fish & Chips before boarding the ferry to Mull. We had an uneventful crossing , followed by a short drive to the start of the first walk. Took a couple of goes to find the parking spot. We managed and even remembered to take a picture before we set off.
We arrived at the first bothy at 7pm and had steamed puds for supper. A very nice bothy.
Of course all the bothies are officially closed due to the coronavirus so when questioned by an estate worker on the way out, I said, "We have a tent" We agreed we had camped beside the bothy. It rained all the way out.

A short ferry crossing from Fishnish to Lochaline, a visit to the shop and facilities, saw us head for Ardtornish and our second bothy of the day. We walked in, in the rain, for lunch. Good job we only planned lunch here, as the bothy was locked. We decided it might be nice to get on a campsite for the night. No luck, Strontian campsite was full, until middle of August. So we drove out to Glenhurich and walked into Resourie.
Our third bothy in one day! We got the fire going and dinner cooked and got dried out. You wouldn't find the start of this walk by accident, never mind the bothy itself.
Next morning we took the opportunity to photograph the raindrops on the trees, and we saw a deer, shame the photo is out of focus. Once back at the car, we got another picture of ourselves, and set off to Mallaig, hoping to find a campsite.
No luck.. Got a food resupply in Mallaig and looked alonside Loch Morar finding the spot where John & Wendy had launched, many years ago, but no campsites. We made the decision to walk into Glen Dubh Lieghe - good choice.

A nice walk in, slightly steep in places but not too hard, Very nice bothy since it has been rebuit since it burnt down. We tried out our new recipe of meatballs and Gnochhi - very tasty. We were very glad to be in a bothy since in had rained all day. Next morning we walked out and headed for Fort William, determined to find a campsite. We struck lucky as we arrived at Fort William so we pitched the tent to claim our space and went off to do a bit of exploring, including a food resupply from M&S.

Bit damp next morning so we packed up and headed for Melgarve, possibly to stay in the bothy, but certainly to recce the Corrieveriack pass, with a view to cycling it one day. A quick stop at the Coffee Bothy in Laggan for a coffee and hot chocolate steeled us for the walk. It didn't start raining until we got back from the walk, the bothy was locked, so we pitched the tent in the trees for shelter. The midges were not too troublesome but we were glad of the headnets at times.
Next morning saw sunshine, so we spread everything out to dry before loading the car and driving home.

Overall - an excellent trip - Certainly found some nice bothies that we will return to, when they reopen. Euan coped very well with all the walking and the rain and having to eat all the food John prepared!!
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